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Tiga Park

Island is located Tiga Park, just 48 kilometers south of the resort Tunku Abdul Rahman on the coast of Kota Kinabalu, which is about a group of islands and is classified as a garden nationalism, and the famous island massive number of coral reefs, birds and wild animals and birds on its territory, and could reach the marine plants and corals and watch them easily and conveniently as they contain many of the neighborhoods that rarely found in the west coast of Malaysia, and the best time to visit these islands between February and April where the weather is less drier and the sea calmer, as there are on the island breaks all the rest made ​​up of two rooms, but must bring foods when you come to are not available there as required, also allows Baltkhiem but after permission from the agency responsible for tourism there, and can reach the island's direction south of the capital Kotakinabalo for a distance of 140 kilometers to Kowalbnao then take the boat to the island and the trip takes about 45 minutes and the distance up to 18 km and some offices travel in Kota Kinabalu organize trips to the island can deal with one of them, and their prices are good

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